



The RAF Air Cadets offers so many activities and opportunities for both cadets and for staff. During cadets activities they will learn new skills and develop existing ones. They will have the opportunity to gain qualifications including accredited BTEC qualifications. Most of all they will gain many new friends.

While the RAF Air Cadets is part of the Royal Air Force family and some cadets go on to use their experience in the armed services however there is no onus for them to join any of the armed services the life skills learnt are equally useful in civilian life.



If you are aged in Year 8 at college to 17 years of age you can attend your local Squadron on their parade evening to speak to the staff. It is usually best to attend at the start of the parade evening and with a parent so they can complete some consent forms. The introduction to the Squadron and competing the consent forms typically takes less than an hour after which the new cadet can remain for the remainder of the evening.



Cadets taught to be self sufficient and independent thus the demand on parents is minimal. As a cadet you are issued, on a loan basis, with blue uniform which is valued at over £300. No footwear is issued thus they will need to acquire black lace up shoes for their blue uniform. Many Squadrons teach Fieldcraft as part of the cadet training. While green uniform (CS95) is sometimes available through the Squadron it is not part of their standard issue. Black boots will need to be provided for wearing with green uniform. Other than providing footwear your main responsibility will be to ensure you deliver and collect your son, daughter or ward promptly. Some cadets choose to buy the latest pattern of green uniform known as MTP, it must be of the PCS design, with MTP you can wear NATO brown or black boots.



The RAF Air Cadets is lucky enough to be supported by the Royal Air Force who provide money for buildings, uniform, flying, gliding and some other activities. However the funding does not support all the activities the Air Cadets offer thus funding is required to be raised by other means. Cadets are charged subscriptions which are kept to a minimum by other fund raising activities. As a guide subscriptions will be about £6-10 per month, that is equivalent to about £1.11 per parade evening. Some activities may also be charged for, typically a weekend event will cost £10 which will also include food and accommodation.