Wing News
Wing Marks the Anniversary of the Establishment of the ATC - posted 20-Feb-19 |
Plymouth & Cornwall Wing have held Sunday Services to mark
the anniversary of the establishment of the Air Training Corps on 5th
February 1941 when it received the Royal Warrant from King George VI. The
origins of the ATC stem back to 1859 in the formation of several units at
schools of armed adults and older boys with the purpose to protect Britain
from an attack. While being renamed a couple of times including Officer
Training Corps and the Air Defence Cadet Corps (ADCC) it was the vision of
Air Commodore Sir John Adrian Chamier CB, CMG, DSO,
OBE who saw the need to encourage young men into aviation to prepare them to
join the Royal Air Force. After the Government took control of the ADCC in
late 1940 the Royal Warrant was issued a couple of months later to rename the
organisation the Air Training Corps. One of the services was held by 339 (South Dartmoor) Squadron
at Ivybridge Methodist Church, attended by staff of a number of squadrons,
cadets, parents and Officer Commanding of Plymouth & Cornwall Wing, Wing
Commander Francis Reis. During the service which, was opened by the Squadron Chaplain
Reverend Mark Lawrence, Cadet Olivia Pillans, 14,
read a poem, aptly named High Flight before Cadet Alice Ayres, 16, give a
presentation on her experience of being a cadet. The commanding officer of
339 Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Adrian Corfield,
gave an address on the history of the formation of the Air Cadet Organisation
and the many achievements of the cadets before inviting Wing Commander Reis
to present certificates for exams, first aid and Duke of Edinburgh Awards to
the cadets. On recommendation to the Wing Commander Cadets Tori Kohler,15, and Leon Harris, 16, were promoted to the
rank of Cadet Corporal. After an address by Wing Commander Reis, Cadet
Sergeant Peter Bull, 18, read a reading from Ephesians. The service was
closed with a blessing from the Wing Chaplain, Prebendary
Brian Anderson. Squadron Commander, Flight Lieutenant Corfield
said, "During the past 12 months cadets have not only taken part in many
activities ranging from flying in light aircraft to adventure training weeks
but also achieved many qualifications equipping them with skills for inside
and outside of the RAF Air Cadets". |